4-5 November, 2016, Bergamo, Italy
Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital – Piazza OMS 1 24127 Bergamo, Italy
WSES course on Multiple Casualty Incident Management
Mass casualty incidents are not rare misshapenness.
Every medical care provider and any hospital need to be prepared for management of an MCI.
The WSES course objectives are to outline needs for proper preparedness for MCI and to expose the participant to the requisites mandatory for best medical and administrative MCI management.
With the auspice of:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel
Yossi Raichman – Kite Systems, Israel
Lafel family, Israel
Download the detailed program: wses-course-on-mass-casualty-incident-management
Two days course, theoretical and practical workshop, international panel
Access fee: 300 euro (reduced fee for WSES members)
For information about course registration please write to:
Dr Luca Ansaloni, lansaloni@asst-pg23.it