Call for Grant Applications: AI-Based Tool for Emergency Surgery – First-Year PhD Student

Call for Grant Applications: AI-Based Tool for Emergency Surgery – First-Year PhD Student

Dear WSES member,

We are excited to announce the opening of grant applications to support innovative research initiatives in the field of emergency surgery. This call is specifically targeted towards first-year PhD students who have presented promising projects to support emergency surgeons in difficult decisions.

If you are a first-year PhD student with a passion for advancing the frontier of emergency surgery, and your project involves the development of an AI-based tool, we invite you to apply for this grant opportunity.

Grant Details:

Purpose: Support for the realization of an AI-based tool for emergency surgery.

Eligibility: First-year PhD students, WSES member with a regular position in the last 5 years at  December 2023, with an approved project in AI without any financial support from the University, other society and private funding.
Grant Amount: 3000 euros
To Apply:
Please submit your application, including a detailed project proposal, budget, and timeline, to [] by [January 31st 2024 ]. The proposals will be evaluated by our expert panel, and successful applicants will be notified by [February 29th 2024].

This grant aims to empower young researchers and contribute to the advancement of AI technology in emergency surgery. We believe in the potential of your innovative ideas and look forward to receiving your applications.

For inquiries and submission details, please contact  [].

Thank you for your dedication to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in emergency surgery. We anticipate receiving your impactful proposals.